COVID-19 March 16 update

Dear friends at Langford Community Church:                                                                                     

In order to be good neighbours and to participate in the nationwide effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, the church board has decided that we will not meet for the next three weeks – March 22, March 29 and April 5 – and then we will reassess the situation at the end of that period.

Notice though that we are not ‘cancelling’ church.  Nor is church ‘closing.’  You can’t cancel the church because we are the church!  We will continue to follow Jesus, serving Him and our neighbours, no matter the situation. 

To that end, we want to consistently nourish your souls and so rather than a big online message on Sunday, we are going to try to provide a few shorter messages throughout the week.  Pastor Graham will provide these in video and written form and both can be accessed at and  We will also email links to all those whose email addresses are up to date. 

Board members will be calling out to confirm this information with everyone, at which time we will be looking for people who might need help – people who are sick and quarantined and need help getting supplies – and people who can help out with that.  Of course we will take all necessary precautions, but this is an important time for us to serve ‘the least of these my brothers.’

We know that God is infinitely faithful and so we look forward with confidence to the time when we will meet together again, to fellowship and to thank God for all that He will do over the course of the coming days. 

“Let not your hearts be troubled; trust in God and in His Son.”

The Langford Church board
